Here at Arcadia Knives hand crafted knives have a soul. They are created with care, sweat and fire. If you are looking for a knife that you can pass down to your children then look no further.

Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July Swap on BladeForums

The 4th of July Swap on BladeForums was a hoot!  There was a $50 minimum limit set for this along with sending things we already had.  Not buying new stuff to send.  There was only one guy that caved in to the pressure of having a giftbox sitting in front of his nose.  We all had a hilarious time taunting each other into opening the boxes, but in the end most held up with dignity.  Can't wait for the Christmas Swap.  Got more ideas of stuff to send off. 
So last night I put the box out so I could take it with me to work. When I woke up it was nowhere to be found. My wife hid it on me. When I talked to her later she said “Ain’t no way you’re taking that with you,
You’ll open it up at home AFTER your work is done.” I guess I can hold out another 5 hours. Well it was totally worth the wait…and then some.

When I finally opened it I was surprised to see the top half of the box filled with newspapers. After throwing that aside my eyes lit up. There was a ton of stuff packed in there. First thing I pulled out was a black/orange handled Mora with an orange sheath. It is sharp. There was a karabiner with hanks of paracord and jute attached. There was a silicone cloth, Nikon Lenspen, a Cyclops LED hat light and a bag with 2 nice pieces of fatwood.

Next thing I pulled out was a full Altoids tin with a nice fire steel & striker, mini-Bic, P38, 2-PJCB straws, compass, single edge razor blade, jute pieces, bandaids, crazy glue, and a couple safety pins. Very nice. An Eclipse tin held 3-cord keepers, a small karabiner and a very cool Leatherman Style. A small earplug case holds a very compact yet crammed full of fishing gear. Line, sinkers, hooks and wiggly tails.

Last but certainly not least is a Case 3318CV Stockman with yellow delrin handles and a nice patina on the main blade. I really like this knife and it’s going in my pocket right now.

Click image for larger version. 

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Wow!!!!! Thank You AC700Wildcat! This was certainly an awesome thing. I guarantee I will have a REALLY, REALLY rough time waiting when it comes time for the Christmas Swap after this.
Beckerhead #176
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Quote Originally Posted by arcadiaknives View Post
Glad you got the box today ViK. Did you open it yet? How 'bout now? Come on cut it open. Let the dog tear it a little so stuff can fall out. Shoulda put some dog treats in there. Double dog dare ya. Nobody will know. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
just following orders....

and the after pic:

icepick/awl, keyring, & firesteel with antler handles. (blue stripe on firesteel handle should make it easier to find when (not if) I drop it.
compass, stickers, handmade "cigar" pen (my wife used to do wood turning, and that was my favorite style!) with ash burl wood.
a forged 52100 small utility knife (I love that steel!) with Ipe handles and what looks like a "thorn" rune stamped in the blade. (makers mark?)
last, but definitely not least...............
Larvets! (yes folks -- he sent me a box of fried worms -- aren't you all jealous now?)
best of all, other than the worms, stickers, and compass, all of this was made by Arcadia knives!

Thanks a lot!

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