Here at Arcadia Knives hand crafted knives have a soul. They are created with care, sweat and fire. If you are looking for a knife that you can pass down to your children then look no further.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My New Neo Tribal KITH

This Is How It All Started, on Forum.

old spring(my KITH WIP)

I finally got the beast forged out and almost ready to heat-treat, blade is approx. 18", not sure why it had to be so big....
Forged from a leaf-spring from a totaled 78 camero. I'm working on this one while also working on some commissions, so progress is slow and sporadic.

A neo-tribal seax!

I'm thinking about bone for the handle, not really sure as yet... we shall see.
George Ezell, bladesmith


This is what I posted on the forum:

Just Got My NT KITH!

WooHoo!!!!! A card was left in my mailbox yesterday that a box is ready for pickup at the local post office. Sweet just one more day. Well today I picked up the package and was surprised by the size and weight of the box. Headed out to open it up and...Hello! What's this? This thing is a BEAST! It's almost 26 inches, fits my hand well and is very sharp. Check out the work on the sheath. Apparently it had a wardrobe malfunction before it got to me, but I would never be able to tell. George put a heck of a lot of work into this piece of art. Check out these pics:

Click image for larger version. 

Name: Beast.jpg 
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ID: 33223

Click image for larger version. 

Name: Beast1.jpg 
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Size: 102.8 KB 
ID: 33224

Click image for larger version. 

Name: Beast2.jpg 
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Size: 102.5 KB 
ID: 33225

This knife was more than worth the wait. George you did an Awesome job! I can't thank you enough. And as it turns out George is just down the road a piece from me. Hope we can meet some time. Thanks for putting this KITH on Jonathon.
Cani Credimus - In Dog We Trust

Two more things coming up shortly.  A 4th of July Gift Swap on Bladeforums and another KITH on KnifeDogs.  I love getting new knives and stuff.  This is what it's all about...Swapping Stuff with other guys.  Giving one of my knives and getting one of theirs.  This is how I will amass my very own custom knife collection.

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