I received an absolutely beautiful frontier style fighter from Pat Burns. I believe this gives me the distinct honor of being the largest collector of Aracdia Knives in Maine as I was lucky enough to draw his knife in last years' KITH as well. (Don't need a KITH if Pat will just send me a knife every year...____________________________________________________) Solid, good looking knife, sharp as hell and with a feel in the hand that a lot of makers dream about. Thanks Pat.
So glad you got the knife AND liked it. When Dick's name was drawn for me again this year I thought "He isn't going to want another one of my knives." Well it turns out he wanted this one and I'm glad to pass it on to him. He also ran into a little bit of trouble with all the heat this year. You know it's bad when it's HOT in Maine. Hope you're feeling better Dick. Careful when you go out and play. How about we just trade a knife every year? Hey I don't even have one of yours and they look nice from your new blog... yankeeknifemaker.blogspot.com.
That is your gratuitous link Dick. Seriously though, how do I get my hands on one of your knives? We should talk about this some time soon.
Also a little update on the knife I received. Mitchell did a nice job on it but I felt the need to modify it a bit. Since that blade was all good for me I left it as is. The handle didn't fit as well as I like so I thinned it down a little. It now fits my hand really well, fits in the sheath he sent and it is going to be in my pack for all my backwoods ventures. Thanks again, I just love that O1.
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