Here at Arcadia Knives hand crafted knives have a soul. They are created with care, sweat and fire. If you are looking for a knife that you can pass down to your children then look no further.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our Ames Was True!

Holy Plantation Patman!  The Ames Heritage festival was a great success.  More vendors than ever and more sold by everyone than in previous years.  It was such a good time.  We got to stay in Bolivar the night before so the 15 minute drive to the plantation was very easy compared to 2 hours before and 2 hours after.

While setting up a customer from last year came by and promptly purchased the first knife of the day.  It just so happened to be the one that Leslie was going to keep if it lasted through the show.  Tough Luck there Sweetheart!  I sold 4 more knives throughout the day and traded one to a guy for a set of elk antlers.  They will look great as knife handles.  We also sold all of our FireStyx. 

All in all it was a warm, breezy and totally beautiful day.  Can't wait till next years show.

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